First of all an enormous thank you to many of my warm regular clients who emailed and texted me with wonderful supportive messages. I find our ongoing keeping in touch very important. Not knowing when we’ll meet again and despite all the social distancing rules, these regular sweet emails keep our friendship very much alive. Some of you even sent me cute thoughtful presents! I tight-hug you all 😌 and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

My God who could have foreseen a global pandemic three months ago! No matter how much control we think we have over our lives, things can still snap and twist rapidly in this modern world and sadly in many cases cause irreparable damage. Shut bars and restaurants, so many businesses having no clue of when they can reopen. Daily reports of loss of life. No living generation has ever had to deal with anything like it.

Let’s hope that soon an effective medication will be found to battle the virus. Will the world change after all this? I don’t know, but I personally hope that our good old sense of normalcy survives and prevails in the end. That eventually we reunite again with the world as we know it.

Now... 🙂 back to ‘you and me’ ...

I have adapted my services as a result of the situation and offer the possibility to have a video call session. “Nothing beats the real thing” you will say and I totally agree with you, but I think it can still be fun 😊. Just imagine how I can adapt to your wishes, how I can dress up and strip and perform lovely role plays. Or I can tell you what to do or you can advise me in a respectful way how to have my pleasure for your eyes only....

These are only ideas and I think enough of a tease for now.... 😉 there are many ways of doing this. If you are interested get in touch with me and we can take it from there.

Many of you may wonder when normal services will restart, or at least incalls. Hard to say at the moment to be honest. We all want to be safe, but at the same time we all have a genuine need for that true intimacy.... a need perhaps even more frustrated now that our movements are so restricted. Please feel free to reach out, email or text me and I’ll be happy to talk and plan things further if possible.

Dear sweet clients. Please stay safe and please stay in touch. These are unprecedented and extraordinary times. But we will come through this and enjoy again our lovely time together.

Once again, thank you so much for your kind emails,

Big kisses from me,

Elizabeth xxx

22nd April 2020 at 12:02pm

Darling Elizabeth – SO glad to hear of the support for you from many of your clients :))
Meanwhile, yes, lockdown is certainly testing our resolve and enforced no-naughty-companion celibacy! :((
To that end, yesssss – although undoubtedly ‘Nothing beats the real thing’, particularly in your case, please get going on offering video call sessions to cheer up us naughty-but-nice boys and girls (and couples) by ‘entertaining’ us and stimulating our imaginations! ;))
Big kisses to you,

PS: great pic – thanks – slightly haughty, and reading – SO sexy!! ;))