People, not only men, have been seeing escorts for as long as modern civilisation is a fact. And for so many different reasons. Often the argument is heard that these kind of visits take place only for sexual purposes and are just a good punt. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Some people just see an escort to chat and be with a nice woman and at the physical level just have a handjob and a nice massage. Others enjoy the possibility of being able to explore different types of sexual acts. And often these acts involve things that are not possible between partners in a permanent relationship simply because one of the partners is not comfortable with that.
For some couples that have been together for a long time, the fire has died down (a bit). Seeing an escort providing a girlfriend experience can be the solution and may rescue that long term relationship.
I see men sometimes who’ve never been with a woman before for all sorts of reasons. It is really satisfying to introduce them to a new world, encourage them to feel more confident after the experience. And it’s fun too!
Another important reason to come and see me is to simply have fun and relax. If that is what drives you then that’s great too! I’ll be so very happy to be your partner in crime.
In my line of work I hear a lot of stories and believe me not just about sex. I truly enjoy to meet so many amazing gentlemen from all these different walks of life.
Have a great day everybody and now autumn is here stay warm!
See you soon in London Kensington or on outcall in London and Greater London.
Sweet kisses from Elizabeth of London
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